Science Talk – Introduction to the Physicists of Copenhagen

The history of science is fascinating! In these talks we give an overview of the great advances in science that took place in and around Copenhagen. We will discover the history of the groundbreaking discoveries of:
⭐ Tycho Brahe ⭐
⭐ Niels Steensen ⭐
⭐ Ole Rømer ⭐
⭐ H.C. Ørsted ⭐
⭐ Niels Bohr ⭐
⭐ Inge Lehmann ⭐
Talk 1: How are the big scientific breakthroughs discovered? It turns out, that a lot more than “a lightning striking ⚡” is at play.
One way of understanding the development of science is to explain in modern scientific language how a sequence of successful discoveries build upon each other and eventually lead to what we kno today. But that may be misleading! First, the social environments, the philosophical inspirations, the personal circumstances, the “backpack” of tools, methods and knowledge the scientist carried – they all play a great rôle in a discovery. Secondly, the “mistakes” in science, the investigated ideas that turned out to be wrong, the half-understood insights, the experiments that went wrong – they are all part of the evolution of science as well, and important ones too. We investigate both the science and the “history behind”… and thereby we find many surprises: Sometimes the discoverer had a completely different interpretation than our modern understanding of science. In other examples, someone else made the discovery first, but didn’t understand what they found. Myths seem to surround great discoveries -sometimes for centuries- and the audience is encouraged to judge for themselves whether there are truths in theses myths. The scientific concepts are presented at an introductory or college level. The talk can be combined with a guided city walk and/or a science workshop.
Please book by phone or email.
Phone: +45 40423331